پادکست (podcast) A2

پادکست شماره 28
درباره درس

پادکست شماره 28

Podcast No 28

Hello. May I help you?

Hello. May I help you?

Yeah, this dress is really nice! How much is it?

Yeah, this dress is really nice! How much is it?

That one is a hundred and fifty dollars.

That one is a hundred and fifty dollars.

A hundred and fifty dollars? What about this other one over here?

A hundred and fifty dollars? What about this other one over here?

That’s a hundred and forty.

That’s a hundred and forty.

That’s a bit out of my price range. Can you give me a better deal?

That’s a bit out of my price range. Can you give me a better deal?

This is an exclusive design by DaMarco! It’s a bargain at that price.

This is an exclusive design by DaMarco! It’s a bargain at that price.

Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll shop around.

Well, I don’t know. I think I’ll shop around.

OK, OK, how about a hundred dollars?

OK, OK, how about a hundred dollars?

That’s still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take both dresses?

That’s still more than I wanted to spend. What if I take both dresses?

OK, I can give you a special discount, just because you seem like a nice person. A hundred and ninety for both.

OK, I can give you a special discount, just because you seem like a nice person. A hundred and ninety for both.

I don’t know... It’s still a bit pricey.... Thanks, anyway.

I don’t know... It’s still a bit pricey.... Thanks, anyway.

OK, my final price! One hundred dollars for both! That’s two for the price of one and that’s my last offer!

OK, my final price! One hundred dollars for both! That’s two for the price of one and that’s my last offer!

Great! You’ve got a deal!

Great! You’ve got a deal!

لغات و اصطلاحات این پادکست

May I help you?

می تونم کمکتون کنم؟

That’s out of my price range.

این برای من خیلی گرونه.

Can you give me a better deal?

می تونید این رو به یه قیمت بهتری (ارزون تر) به من بدید؟

An exclusive design

یه طراحی منحصر به فرد

It’s a bargain at that price.

همچین قیمتی برای ….. واقعا مفته!

I’ll shop around.

می رم تا یه قیمت مناسبش رو پیدا کنم.

That’s more than I wanted to spend.

این خیلی گرونه.

What if I take both dresses?

اگه دو تا لباس رو ببرم چی؟

I can give you a special discount.

من می تونم به تو یه تخفیف ویژه بدم.

You seem like a nice person.

تو به نظر آدم خوبی می رسی.

It’s a bit pricey.

این یه خورده گرونه.

Thanks, anyway.

به هر حال ممنونم.

That’s my final price!

این قیمت نهایی منه!

That’s two for the price of one.

یکی بخر، دو تا ببر.

That’s my last offer!

این آخرین پیشنهاد من هست!

You’ve got a deal.

(در معامله) قبوله، می خرم.

به گفتگو بپیوندید
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