پادکست (podcast) C1

پادکست شماره 106
درباره درس

پادکست شماره 106

Podcast No 106

I'll never forget the first time I met our new contact from Retrolink, one of our top five customers. I had travelled to their office to meet him in person, talk about the history of our companies together and define a shared vision for future co-operation. I wanted to focus on building a good relationship with him which would be a good foundation for working together. So, when we met I wanted to make a good impression and also show him respect. I greeted him with a handshake and addressed him by his surname. When I put my hand out I realised he had been moving in to give me a hug, so we did an awkward mixture of the two! Also, when I greeted him by his surname, he responded politely, though he used my first name. It was all a little uncomfortable. In this situation, I guess I made assumptions about the level of formality he expected. Even though he had never met me before, he knew our two companies had been doing business with each other for years and he wanted to build on that history by being less formal with me from the beginning. The real learning here for me was that I shouldn't assume we all have the same ideas about meeting people for the first time.

I'll never forget the first time I met our new contact from Retrolink, one of our top five customers. I had travelled to their office to meet him in person, talk about the history of our companies together and define a shared vision for future co-operation. I wanted to focus on building a good relationship with him which would be a good foundation for working together. So, when we met I wanted to make a good impression and also show him respect. I greeted him with a handshake and addressed him by his surname. When I put my hand out I realised he had been moving in to give me a hug, so we did an awkward mixture of the two! Also, when I greeted him by his surname, he responded politely, though he used my first name. It was all a little uncomfortable. In this situation, I guess I made assumptions about the level of formality he expected. Even though he had never met me before, he knew our two companies had been doing business with each other for years and he wanted to build on that history by being less formal with me from the beginning. The real learning here for me was that I shouldn't assume we all have the same ideas about meeting people for the first time.

لغات و اصطلاحات



I wanted to meet him in person.

می خواستم خصوصی ملاقاتش کنم.


تعریف کردن

shared vision

دیدگاه مشترک



build a good relationship with someone

با کسی رابطه خوبی ساختن



make a good impression

تاثیر خوبی گذاشتن


احوال پرسی کردن


مورد خطاب قرار دادن


نام خانوادگی

give someone a hug

کسی رو بغل کردن



a mixture of…

ترکیبی از ….

he responded politely.

او مودبانه پاسخ داد.

I made assumptions about…

من در مورد … فرض هایی داشتم.


رسمی بودن

from the beginning

از ابتدا


فرض کردن

for the first time

برای بار اول

به گفتگو بپیوندید
ضبط پیام صوتی

زمان هر پیام صوتی 5 دقیقه است